[ Our Company ]

Mobili Intarsiati Artistici

We are a company that produces handcrafted furniture in Meda, in the Province of Monza Brianza, a few kilometres from Milan.
We produce artistic inlaid furniture in Louis XIV, Louis XVI, Maggiolini and Empire styles.

We use only highest quality materials and traditional working methods in our production.
Particular care is taken with the finishing for which we use both shellac and beeswax. The maximum care in the workmanship, the seriousness and the diligence used by our cabinet makers render each piece of furniture a work of which increases in value with time.

Our inlaid furniture in style were exhibited at retailers in the famous Rue Faubourg Saint Antoine in Paris in France and is being exported from Meda in Europe and in the rest of the world.

We realize furnitures on demand and we refurbish chairs, armchairs and sofas.
The affixing of our burned brand guarantees that each piece of furniture is authentic in style and of high quality 100% Made in Italy.

M.I.A. Mobili Intarsiati Artistici received in 2005 a prized named: “PREMIO MILANO PRODUTTIVA” by the Chamber of Commerce of Milan.

AD COLLECTORS Suppl. al N. 307
AD N. 227 – Pagina 282
AD MILLENIUM N. 222 – Pagina 274